Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting into the swing of things!

Hello, readers!

It is Tuesday morning and we are almost completely emerged in camp activities. The only thing that isn't totally up and running yet are theater rehearsals: this morning directors for all the shows are holding callbacks to make some final decisions before the shows are cast this afternoon. After seeing 9 girls cabins and 4 boys cabins go through various auditions, directors hold callbacks as a reminder of who is interested in specific shows and who might be best for specific parts.

While some of the campers are doing their theater, dance, or music callbacks, others are beginning to explore the art barn, the rock n' roll area, the horse area, or just spend some time relaxing on the hill, reconnecting with old friends, or getting to know new ones. It's a day for learning more about Ballibay and learning more about what the summer ahead is going to be like.

More soon, once I can give you all new details about the beginning of rehearsals!

Elizabeth C.
Ballibay Blogger